Created in 2022, the Bernard Grau – Académie des beaux-arts Foundation for Cuban Artists supports Cuban artists in honour of Bernard Grau (1949-2020), a French diplomat who ended his career as Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Action in Havana (Cuba).
The Foundation's mission is to support Cuban artists by awarding grants for artist residencies in France. Each year, two grants are awarded to two Cuban artists working in a discipline corresponding to a section of the Académie des Beaux-arts
Painting - Sculpture - Architecture - Engraving and Drawing - Musical Composition – Free members - Cinema and Audiovisual - Photography – Choreography
Bernard Grau (1949 - 2020)
A graduated in philosophy and law from the University of Montpellier, France, where he was also head of teaching in the departments of international law, sociology of international relations and public liberties, Bernard Grau held various posts in the French Chancellery, including that of Regional Cooperation Adviser for Central America, from 2001 to 2005, based in the Costa Rican capital. He was director of the French Institute in Seville and cultural adviser in several Latin American countries (Uruguay, Peru, Cuba).
The Governing board
The Bernard Grau – Académie des beaux-arts Foundation is administered by a 6-member governing board.
The Académie des beaux-arts’ board
Laurent Petitgirard, secretaire perpétuel of the Académie des beaux-arts, president of the Foundation
Astrid de La Forest, member of the Académie des beaux-arts
Adrien Goetz, member of the Académie des beaux-arts
The Donor’s board
Roger Herrera
Laura Salas
Karla Calviño