In 1870, the Académie des beaux-arts received a bequest from Anne-Sophie Marchoux, Comtesse de Caen, the proceeds of which were to enable painters, sculptors and architects to reside in Paris for three years on their return from the Villa Médicis, where they could work and develop their careers without having to worry about funding. In return, the will asked the painter for a painting, the sculptor for a statue and the architect for a study, watercolour or sketch.
To house these works, the Institut de France has allocated a space on the ground floor of the Palais’ western pavilion ("Pavillon des Arts") for the exclusive use of the Académie des beaux-arts since 1872.
Known successively as the "Musée de Caen" and the "Salle Comtesse de Caen", this exhibition space underwent a major renovation in 2019, based on plans and scenography of Jean-Michel Wilmotte, a member of the Architecture section of the Académie des Beaux-arts. Renamed the "Pavillon Comtesse de Caen", it now presents the works of the winners of the various competitions organised by the Académie des beaux-arts (photography, drawing, engraving, architecture, etc.), as well as exhibitions specially designed for this space.
Plan your visit
27, quai de Conti, Paris 6e
Free admission
Monday: closed
Tuesday – Sunday: 11am – 6 pm
Last entrance at 5.45 pm